GPS Marine has taken delivery of a new FalchTrailjet 125 2500 bar 26 litre/min UHP water blasting unit. This unit combined with existing airless spray units and compressors gives GPS Marine the ability to further improve the standards to which it maintains its fleet of tugs and barges. The Trailjet unit is provided with a variety of nozzles and over 100m of UHP hoses and remote control cables which, in concert with the advanced remote control unit itself, enables the unit to be controlled entirely from close to the work place, thereby avoiding unnecessary wasted time setting up and adjusting the blasting unit.
Having become members of “The Water Jetting Association” and already having four staff trained on UHP equipment, paint spraying and the erection of staging and scaffolding GPS Marine can also provide UHP blasting services to drydocks, civil engineers and other craft operators. It is to be hoped that the provision of UHP blasting services to others will serve to defray the significant investment associated with the purchase of the unit which has been primarily purchased to support and improve the GPS Marine fleet.