On 7th July 2016 GPS Marine was awarded its Interim Document of Compliance under the ISM Code. This was the culmination of 5 years’ work in first establishing a documented safety management system and then implementing and developing it such that voluntary compliance with the ISM Code could eventually be achieved. This has been true team effort involving the buy-in of crews and office staff alike to bring about the change of culture and attitude that is necessary to make ISM a meaningful part of the business. Having been issued with the Interim DoC everybody is now committed to obtaining ship specific Safety Management Certificates and the full term DoC. It being a bespoke ISM system which is heavily reliant upon electronic communications and remote access to documents and data on the GPS Marine server, the implementation of the system has benefitted greatly from the improved internet connectivity at the new premises at Upnor compared with the archaic systems at Chatham Docks