GPS Marine is the largest multi cargo intra port barge operator on the River Thames and Medway and has unrivalled experience in the transport of spoil, aggregates, tunnel ring segments as well as construction equipment and materials along the length of the Rivers Thames, Medway and their tributaries.
Transport of goods by barge is undertaken by the River and Light Towage Division of GPS Marine. Over recent years annual cargo tonnages transported have fluctuated between 750,000 tonnes and 1.3 million tonnes. The cargoes carried are mainly spoil, concrete aggregates and rough goods but commodities such as steel, concrete elements and containerised items have also been carried in significant volumes during recent years. GPS Marine also transports heavy machinery and project cargo both within the Thames and Medway and between ports in the Extended European Trading Area.
GPS Marine’s River and Light Towage operation is capable of providing projects with full logistics packages and operates on short term high volume projects as well as under long term contracts of afreightment.
By being able to draw on the wide range of resources and expertise within the business as a whole, the River and Light Towage Division has been able to make transport by barge a safe, efficient, commercially viable, environmentally friendly and sustainable 21st Century option for numerous clients ranging from construction majors to utility companiess.
NEW AS OF 14/01/20 – Please also click the below image to view a report into the environmental, social and community benefits derived from using water transport on 3 major infrastructure projects in London